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Conamara Chaos
CIIRC ČVUT v Dejvicích (Jugoslávských partyzánů 1580/3, 160 00 Dejvice)
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Irské tance
pro radost
Irish dance is full of energy and joy and is suitable for all age groups. We offer classes for children, adults, and seniors. We teach in Prague and České Budějovice.
Beginner Classes
Time table
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday/Sunday |
14:00 – 15:30 Kids softshoes beginners Sign up | – | – | 15:30 – 16:30 Set dancing senioři Sign up | Private Lessons Sign up | |
14:00 – 15:30 Kids softshoes advanced Sign up | 15:30 – 17:00 Děti hardshoes beginners Sign up | 16:00 – 17:00 Kids softshoes beginners Sign up | Private Lessons Sign up | Private Lessons Sign up | 14:00 – 15:30 České Budějovice beginners Sign up |
18:00 – 19:20 Sign up | 18:00 – 19:20 začátečníci step Sign up | 18:00 – 19:20 I/O hardshoes Sign up | Private Lessons Sign up | Private Lessons Sign up | 14:00 – 17:00 České Budějovice advanced Sign up |
19:30 – 20:50 B/P softshoes Sign up beginners softshoes Sign up | 19:30 – 20:50 Sign up | 19:30 – 20:50 B/P hardshoes Sign up | Private Lessons Sign up | Private Lessons Sign up |
Are you unsure about which course to choose?
Write us on tereza@tjirishdance.com
Did you know that your health insurance may contribute to the course fees? For instance, Plan 211 offers a subsidy of 500 CZK to adults.
We are the academy based in Czech republic
TJ Academy of Irish Dance
The academy was founded by Tereza Macoszek Jindrová T.C.R.G., who obtained her teaching license for Irish dance in Ennis, Ireland, in 2018. The academy originated from the dancers of the group Sona Sól, Veselá kopýtka, founded by Tereza in 2009.

We compete under CLRG + RCCEA
We prepare dancers for competitions and championships in Irish dance worldwide. Our academy is registered with An Coimisiún Le Rincí Gaelacha and the Regional Council of Continental Europe and Asia.

We dance at every age
We offer dance classes for children. Our qualified instructors also teach Irish dance at the Czech Technical University and the House of Children and Youth Prague 2. In our classes, we incorporate elements of Montessori pedagogy.

We Dance with Joy
We stick together at competitions. We enjoy picnics, celebrate St. Patrick's Day, organize dance parties, fly kites, go camping, sing, play Irish musical instruments, and much more.
We collaborate
What is irish dance
Irish dances are folk dances originating from Ireland. Traditionally, these dances were performed at weddings, celebrations, and other social events. There are several types of Irish dances, including solo dances, group dances, and dances for couples. They are danced to Irish music (reel, jig, slip jig, polka, hornpipe, etc.). The Irish say, "the music will tell you," and they're right. The music is so catchy that even if you forget the dance steps, you'll joyfully come up with your own.
They are divided into the following types:
Solo dance high on the tips of soft shoes (ghillies). Suitable even for complete beginners.
Solo dance in special shoes for Irish step. We focus on both new and choreographies over 100 years old.
Social dances that utilize basic steps from soft shoe technique. Circular, line, quadrilles, and more.
Tanec vysoko na špičkách. Horní polovinu těla tanečníci drží v klidu a paže u těla. Tento druh tance pravděpodobně znáte ze známých tanečních show jako jsou například Riverdance, Lord of the Dance, Celtic Tiger, Rhythm of the Dance, Fusion Fighters a dalších.
Set dancing
Social dances that combine the elegance of French quadrilles with the liveliness of Irish music. You'll commonly see them at Irish ceilis. Dancers often add battering to the music with their feet.
Sean nós
In translation from Irish, it means "old style". An older form of traditional solo Irish dance. Unlike step dancing, the feet are close to the ground, and the dancer freely moves their arms.
Dance high on the tips. Dancers keep the upper half of their body still and arms close to the body.
This type of dance is likely familiar to you from popular dance shows such as
Riverdance, Lord of the Dance, Celtic Tiger, Rhythm of the Dance, Fusion Fighters, and others.