TJAID > Lekce pro děti

Lekce pro děti

Irský tanec je plný energie a radosti a je vhodný pro děti všech věkových kategorií. Naše lekce jsou navrženy tak, aby dětem přinášely nejen zábavu, ale také rozvíjely jejich fyzickou kondici, koordinaci, kreativitu a sociální dovednosti. Během lekcí se děti naučí základní kroky a postupně se s nimi dostanou ke složitějším choreografiím, všechno v přátelské a podporující atmosféře.

Tančí se vysoko na špičkách v ghillies nebo stepkách. Pokročilí tanečníci rádi jezdí prezentovat své kroky na soutěže v u nás i v zahraničí. Věnujeme se novým i přes 100 let starým choreografiím.



Praha 2

DDM Praha 2, Vinohrady, Slezská 21

Věk 5-15

1150 Kč / pololetí

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Hardshoes STEP
Praha 2

DDM Praha 2, Vinohrady, Slezská 21

Věk 5-18

1150 Kč / pololetí

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Praha 9

DDM Praha 9, Prosek, Měšická 720/2

Věk 6-10 a 11-15

1800 Kč / pololetí

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Praha 8

Aikido Karlín,
Křižíkova 48

Věk 5-15

3850 Kč / pololetí

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Praha 6

TJ Tatran Střešovice
taught in English

Věk 6-10

3200 Kč / pololetí

Sign up

Připravujeme: úterní lekce v Neratovicích

ℹ️ Momentálně žádáme o dotaci od MHMP. Pokud bychom uspěli a dotaci získali, pak pro děti a mládež do 26 let bude cena kurzu do 1500 Kč za pololetí.

Are you unsure about which course to choose?

Write us on [email protected]

Did you know that your health insurance may contribute to the course fees? For instance, Plan 211 offers a subsidy of 500 CZK to adults.

What is irish dance

Irish dances are folk dances originating from Ireland. Traditionally, these dances were performed at weddings, celebrations, and other social events. There are several types of Irish dances, including solo dances, group dances, and dances for couples. They are danced to Irish music (reel, jig, slip jig, polka, hornpipe, etc.). The Irish say, "the music will tell you," and they're right. The music is so catchy that even if you forget the dance steps, you'll joyfully come up with your own.

They are divided into the following types:


Solo dance high on the tips of soft shoes (ghillies). Suitable even for complete beginners.


Solo dance in special shoes for Irish step. We focus on both new and choreographies over 100 years old.


Social dances that utilize basic steps from soft shoe technique. Circular, line, quadrilles, and more.

Step dancing
Tanec vysoko na špičkách. Horní polovinu těla tanečníci drží v klidu a paže u těla. Tento druh tance pravděpodobně znáte ze známých tanečních show jako jsou například Riverdance, Lord of the Dance, Celtic Tiger, Rhythm of the Dance, Fusion Fighters a dalších.

Set dancing

Social dances that combine the elegance of French quadrilles with the liveliness of Irish music. You'll commonly see them at Irish ceilis. Dancers often add battering to the music with their feet.

Sean nós

In translation from Irish, it means "old style". An older form of traditional solo Irish dance. Unlike step dancing, the feet are close to the ground, and the dancer freely moves their arms.

With each lesson

Qualified instructors

All our instructors have coaching licenses and are professionally trained by the Czech Red Cross as certified healthcare providers. They regularly refresh their knowledge at various specialized seminars. If needed, we can apply kinesiotape.

We collaborate with physiotherapists.

We closely collaborate with physiotherapists, especially
injury prevention and compensatory exercises. All exercises are selected with regard to the specific movements in Irish dance. We strive to maintain the balance of our dancers' bodies through appropriate training.

Individual approach

Although these are group classes, instructors also approach dancers individually. We not only recommend suitable exercises to do at home but also assist with selecting dance shoes and competition costumes.
Každý tanečník má možnost domluvit si soukromou lekci s trenérem.

We'll advise, we'll assist

We'll help you choose the right dance shoes. We'll recommend suitable exercises to do at home for those interested. We keep you informed about news from us and around the world, and you'll hear about the best events directly from the instructors.

Fun warm-ups

Travolta, Bollywood, African, Contemporary dance, and we're working on more... 🙂

Study materials

All dancers will find support for home practice in our internal system in the form of videos and notes.

Friendly environment

We do not tolerate any form of bullying. We strive to create a safe and friendly environment.

en_GBEnglish (UK)