Irské tance pro začátečníky #beactiveday
Zdarma ukázkové lekce irských tanců pro úplné začátečníky.
Lekce jsou kompletní včetně rozcvičky, taneční praxe a závěrečného protažení.
- 🟢 Pondělí 23.9. lekce pro začátečníky (softshoes)
- 19:30-21:00
- Aikido Karlín
- 🟢 Úterý 24.9. lekce irských setových tanců
- 19:30-21:00
- ZŠ sv. Voršily
Registrace na lekce: ZDE
Aktivní září s @aktivnicesko

What is irish dance
Irish dances are folk dances originating from Ireland. Traditionally, these dances were performed at weddings, celebrations, and other social events. There are several types of Irish dances, including solo dances, group dances, and dances for couples. They are danced to Irish music (reel, jig, slip jig, polka, hornpipe, etc.). The Irish say, "the music will tell you," and they're right. The music is so catchy that even if you forget the dance steps, you'll joyfully come up with your own.
They are divided into the following types:
Solo dance high on the tips of soft shoes (ghillies). Suitable even for complete beginners.
Solo dance in special shoes for Irish step. We focus on both new and choreographies over 100 years old.
Social dances that utilize basic steps from soft shoe technique. Circular, line, quadrilles, and more.
Tanec vysoko na špičkách. Horní polovinu těla tanečníci drží v klidu a paže u těla. Tento druh tance pravděpodobně znáte ze známých tanečních show jako jsou například Riverdance, Lord of the Dance, Celtic Tiger, Rhythm of the Dance, Fusion Fighters a dalších.
Set dancing
Social dances that combine the elegance of French quadrilles with the liveliness of Irish music. You'll commonly see them at Irish ceilis. Dancers often add battering to the music with their feet.
Sean nós
In translation from Irish, it means "old style". An older form of traditional solo Irish dance. Unlike step dancing, the feet are close to the ground, and the dancer freely moves their arms.
Dance high on the tips. Dancers keep the upper half of their body still and arms close to the body.
This type of dance is likely familiar to you from popular dance shows such as
Riverdance, Lord of the Dance, Celtic Tiger, Rhythm of the Dance, Fusion Fighters, and others.